Coronavirus Pandemic

The Coronavirus Pandemic has prompted an email today asking the question; “If I am due to meet my Soulmate very soon, as you say in my Soulmate Chart, will this Coronavirus Pandemic mean I will not meet my intended soulmate at the time you describe?” An important point, I am sure others may be thinking along these same lines.

Your soul mate is your predestined love and our soul and his are linked through fate. Even if  you were at one side of the universe and he at the other, you would still find your way to each other. So you will not ever “miss your chance of love, nor will he. Our fate and his fate are still entwined.

From years of research I have found that even some obstacle interrupts meeting, such as this Coronavirus pandemic, fate is like a river; if it hits  rock or a mountain and cannot go through, it will delay, perhaps deviate, but it never stops. So you will still meet, and most likely in the same place, and very similar circumstance. Love exits regardless of obstacles and love is the strongest power of all.

I was thinking  about this as I saw  the whole world almost on “lock down” and events that would have happened cancelled. Places  where people would have met now closed, empty streets. Everything  suspended, it is as if  time has stood still. And maybe it has, for weeks, if not months to come.

The predictions I give will  happen  as described. I know this from years of research on clients individual charts. No-one needs feel they won’t meet their soul mate. But what I don’t know is “will this happen at the correct  time or will they also  stand still and wait.? Will it cause a delay, and How long?”

If for example we are in lock down for three months, will all the predictions be running three months late? Or will it happen for some on time, because their lives haven’t altered much, and be delayed for others, deepening the effect of lock down is effecting their individual lives? Or has astrology, the stars and the great infinite unknowable force beyond them already allowed for all this,? I don’t know,  we will only know by hindsight because this world situation has not happened before.

Even if you are a person who normally “meets” people through social media, expect the initial contact be on time, but the face to face meeting just a delayed for a short while.

What I do know  with certainty is you will still meet your soul mate as described in your Soulmate Chart, because it is unavoidable fate. Fate and time are not quite the same thing, though they are closely connected, time is just our earthly estimate of  fate. Fate itself is a force that arranges and rearranges things for us. We have to trust in fate, and allow it to do this knowing it will come about  in the best way. Do let  anxiety about missing him take over, or wanting to hurry fate on, or want to bring it instantly after if there is delay. Don’t let your anxiety  make you act rash. Just allow fate to  bring it to you, and fate will do it better and quicker than if you try to take fate into your own hands too much.

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