
Covid-19 outbreak 2020.

You must take care of yourself and each other in these difficult times of Coronavirus. Astrology gives us our own special strengths to get through. What does the Zodiac Say ?

Here is my view in the hopes it will give some comfort, along with the technology of how astrology works.

Aries and Scorpio, both have Mars as ruler or co ruler, and  have the ability to fight this.

Taurus and Libra ruled by Venus, have love to see them through.

Gemini, communication  will be everything, and Leo, don’t let your stubborn pride flaunt the social rules.

Cancer is a home body so friends and family and social isolation will be comforting and perhaps easier than for other.

Virgo is naturally hygienic in habits, and methodical with procedures so you have that to protect you.

Sagittarius, hard for to stay put, and Capricorn has practicality and common sense to get you through.

Aquarius are naturally thoughtfull and humanitarian, but look after yourself too.

Pisces  fishes can swim and are stronger than they seem.

Historically Comets were said to be the harbinger of plagues and pestilences, there is a certain logical to that. I don’t recall hearing of any comets, so that  might put and end to an old astronomical myth. For those more interested in detailed astrology, what we are seeing astrologically  at the beginning of this year is a conjunction between Pluto – the planet of new beginnings, and the masses –  and Saturn. Both are traditionally regarded as malefic, and in Saturn’s own sign of Capricorn, being followed closely by Jupiter.

Pluto is a planet that can profoundly change us all, our psychology and way of thinking. He is  historically linked with destructive things, but also with  mass advancement in technology and science and medicine, and ground breaking  rapid steps into a new better future.

Saturn is older things, so in some ways with this aspect we’d expect an old plague or epidemic rather than a new one! But we are seeing a lot of positive  Saturn- Pluto  influences. The Formula One team has come up with a new style of ventilator for rapid production based on old ideas for the UK NHS, astrologically it looks like this; The  newly invented ( Pluto technology) respirators (revival, Pluto), based on an old ( Saturn, things of the past) design ( Saturn Pluto recycling, upcycling)  and being a collaboration (Saturn- Pluto) between Formula One ( Pluto) and the UK government (Saturn ). There are many other reflections of the actions of these two planets and Jupiter.

Jupiter expands on things, or in the case of infection  spreads it. Though Jupiter is generally regarded as a benefic. I have always been a bit suspicious of Jupiter! But he is regarded as beginnings, and so we can trust to him to bring us through the crisis. Jupiter is faith, religion, Government and law. If we look a other combinations. Jupiter, Pluto. There is a fine line between  a Nanny State, and a Stalinist State. (Pluto – dictatorships, Jupiter  -benign care taker!) Fortunately Uranus is not dominant here, or we’d all be rebelling and risking  everyone’s health. Capricorn is the sign of common sense, caution, patience, preservation and perseverance, which we all need at this time of difficulty. Jupiter and Pluto your  mantra and motto should be, People before profit.

I ask you please don’t  email your birth date and ask if you’ll get Corona, or if you’ll survive and so on, not enough individual research on Corona has been done by me or any other astrologer to be sure of any accuracy.

I hope you find the above  insights interesting and helpful. May  love and the power of goodness be with you,  Ivarna.

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