Free eBook

How to Find Your Soulmate

Free eBook How to find Your Soulmate in your birth chart, and how to make it happen. by Ivarna, Creator of Your Soulmate Chart.

What is this Free eBook about?

This is a brief introduction to the analysis of your birth chart to reveal some of its hidden secrets of your soulmate. Download now and boost your chances of finding your predestined life partner.

Soulmate Astrology, How does it work? Lets take an example;

Look for an aspect between the ruling planet of your ascendant and the ruler of his ascendant. If there is no aspect then little may come of the relationship. Strong aspects will show whether there will be love or discord and tells in a very graphic way the future of two people.

A difficult aspect between these two planets, and the relationship will be difficult especially at the beginning. If the aspects involves Saturn, Uranus, or Pluto, it may even break up

Particular planets represents certain qualities. Saturn for example rules bones skeleton, skin, seriousness. If he is in a strong aspect to the house of love and marriage, 7th , then the future partner will have a sorrowful look stamped on his habitual expression, his skin will be dry and his hair, skin and eye coloring will likely be a shade or tone darker than the color suggested by the other aspects. Saturn tends to give lank oily roots and dry ends to the hair, where Jupiter would make the scalp hot and the hair fall out early in a man.

For more read the full eBook

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