Karmic Astrology from Ivarna - Astrologer and Psychic

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Is your past life telling you something?

Karma answers

Karma, put simply, is cause and effect, or action and reaction. The influence of past over present and how actions in a past life, predetermined the conditions in your present life and character. Each life we live shapes our character and our future destiny in a way we seem to have little control over but are entangled with inescapably. A fate. If you can understand your karma and fate and the lessons that life is teaching you. Then you can begin to work with that karma to improve and change your present life if you want to. Good things can happen to you. Understanding alone is sometimes enough to bring a profound yet subtle change. At other times you have to work on the Karma before change is possible.


How does Astrology help?


Karmic astrology when done correctly adds another dimension to the birth chart, a deeper level of esoteric meaning, a deeper understanding of your present life. Your spiritual purpose, your spiritual encumbrances. There are many kinds of Karma, Bodily karma that can account for health and deformity. Collective karma, that has to do with racial memories. Retributive karma, which needs no elaboration. Symbolic karma, Vocational Karma, Redemptive karma, and many others. There is also suspended karma for we cannot deal with everything in one life, and Karma in the making that we'll carry forwards from this present life.


Ivarna's own experience


As an Astrologer who is skilled in karmic and past life work I use astrology and psychic ability to tune into your past and go beyond the past in this life into other earlier lives. My karmic readings not only give details of who you were, where you lived, when and what sort of life you had, they also show how your past lives affect your present life.

Your previous lives and this one are inter-connected, wound round each other like a skein of wool. The readings show how they interact with your purpose in being here, your karmic life lessons and experiences. Each reading is fascinatingly intricate. Through it you will learn more about Karma generally as well as your own special, personal karma.

My experience of working with Karma is based on many years of studying astrological charts and "seeing" or recalling past lives through my special psychic vision. The pattern of destiny past and future can be seen in the astrological chart and the details are found by far memory by the reading of the Akasha. The Akasha is a sort of recording of past lives that exists in the ether around a person's spirit, much in the way that the walls of a building can retain the memory and atmospheric imprint of what has gone on there. Such information can come through as actual events and lives or as a symbolic experience.


Past Life and Reincarnation

The theory behind reincarnation is that we live many lifetimes one following the other. What happens in one life  determine what will happen in the next, it also sets our astrological birth time.. Karma readings are not only interesting they can often have a releasing or healing effect’ They change something. Even if nothing  seems to clarify or happen instantly or consciously, things go on beneath the surface to awaken your own sense of the  past and future. Once a karmic reading  has been done for you. It is a bit like allowing a single shaft of light  down into a dark, long  boarded up basement, you make a small hole in the wood and the light penetrates the depth bellow, At first nothing seems clear. Then the details form, this is like two separate compartments of the mind, past and future that were closed off form each other before becoming linked by a tiny channel of illumination. Your own senses can then find the pathway, allowing a flow or interaction  and a healing holistic effect on the soul. 

Your Karma Reading

The energy of the past life reading is like opening a door into the spiritual essence within us, linking it with the  present day. This same energy is capable of freeing you from physical and mental traumas of the past. Other benefits  from the linking of  past channels with present is the development of inner clarity, freeing  old talents, spiritually, better health and a deepened sense of soul  well being. Your karma reading will be prepared individually just for you, based on your unique birth data, and is not available from anyone else except to order from authorized agent.


You can have your own Karma reading. The reading is lengthy, detailed and will reveal at least one past life, often more if there is time. Few of us are young souls, each of us has lived many times. The life that is revealed to you will be relevant to your present life. Should you wish to have specific questions answered a Premier Karma reading included this facility.


To request Your Karma Chart


All you have to do is give your Date, Town and if possible Time of birth, as the reading is astrologically based, remember to give the month of birth in words not a number.  If there is anything you'd like to say or any questions you whose answer you feel may be locked in a past life rather than this one please say. Order now Online now.

Extracts of Client Karma Case Histories


The first case is of an American client, let's call her Kerry, was curious to know her past life. Kerry's chart revealed a connection with Ireland and several visions came to me, which I described to her in detail. Unknown to me Kerry's hobby was family trees. She wrote back to tell me she was in fact of mixed Irish American ancestry. The Irish life I'd mentioned was remarkably similar to that of an ancestor. In the Irish life Kerry had died of a septic appendix, in her present life she had an odd birthmark in the appendix area, and a psychosomatic character, anxiety always bought on stomach pains. For most of her life Kerry dyed her hair red, and dressed in long drab old style work a day clothes as though there were some subconscious urge to take on the former identity of the red haired Irish farming girl she'd once been.


The second case history concerns a woman we will call Jane, a pale thin lady dressed often in black. Black had been a favourite colour all her life, but as she got older she felt it too stark and always brightened it with a splash of red or orange, a scarf or necklace. She suffered from a kind of anxiety neurosis. She'd wake with a start at night, and then wonder if the house was on fire, if someone had broken in, and if the kids were all right. If she was travelling down the motorway she'd think of a crash. Her life was filled with nameless fears. At age forty she fell into a deep depression. Her chart revealed shed been murdered in a past life, by having her throat cut. The murderer a sort of stalker, she sensed the danger, but it had been invisible, everywhere and nowhere. It seemed subconsciously her black clothing was a kind of lifelong mourning for her self, and the red line symbolic of the cut throat, the nameless fears, were the fear that death was stalking her. Death had occurred in her past life at about age forty one.


Karma readings are deeply spiritual and can unlock the soul's own knowledge. One man began to get knowledge of an ancient and obscure spiritual teachings, from some inner source. His chart revealed a connection with an early Christian cult. The experience you'll have depends on your own evolvement. in this life. The more evolved you are the more you'll get out of the readings. But everyone benefits in some way. The readings can help clear up old karmic blockages and release spiritual energies, or identify your karmic purpose and remove old wounds. Some people torment themselves from life to life, always choosing the hard path needlessly almost like a self inflicted curse. Knowing what your karma is can set you free and turn you to a better happier path. Many people while reading my Karmic readings experience flash backs to the lives revealed in the reading or to other former lives.


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