Night Healing

Sleep, what is it for? Why do we need sleep? Why do we dream? I believe dreaming is our way of dealing with what’s going on while we are asleep. An uncontrolled, irrational response to essential mental activity. But what if we could patch into some of this activity, harness the power that is generated while we sleep? A Night Healer.

It is generally accepted that sleep provides an opportunity for the body to repair and rejuvenate itself. Many of the major restorative functions in the body like muscle growth, tissue repair and protein synthesis occur mostly, or only, during sleep.

We all have within us “The Night Healer”, the secret spiritual part of the self or psyche who has the power to heal our body and our mind of all its ills and distress, when consciously used or programmed correctly by the conscious mind it can reverse illness. It can cure us spontaneously, or slowly, it can give us remissions or it can lead us to the right knowledge or right natural medicines. It can heal us in many ways. Always it will choose the easiest and most effective or appropriate way to bring healing.

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