Astrology and Career – vol two

What are the most important elements to a successful future? We all like to believe we have a role to play, but may be are unsure of how to move forward. Work that brings in money yet lacks satisfaction can be disheartening and stressful. But is there a way out? Next to our families, career choice is the most important decision of our life. But sometimes you just don’t know which direction to follow. Unsure of how it might turn out, yet seeking answers is not easy.  Following on from volume One this insight into Astrology and Career can show you how to read your birth chart to discover where you shine and why you struggle.

In your chart the tenth house is the focus for career. Planets in this house and influencing aspects can shape your ambitions and aspirations. But then we must add in the ninth house where education is highlighted. The second house shows financial prospects. The fifth can also have an effect on money. The fourth house shows family and heritage, often a major player in any career choice. In fact every part of your birth chart must be carefully considered and analyzed. Every house and planet must be thoroughly checked and their interactions measured before conclusions can be drawn.

The chart can suggest how the hobby or talent can by used in a different way, to earn enough to take that person off benefits. while the person is building up their desired “business”. Jupiter aspects sometimes means the person can teach their talent or trade to others or can manage a business connected with their talent. Managing a book shop or fashion shop is far different to being a writer, or fashion designer. But it can be a stop gap in the right direction and be better than other jobs the person may be forced into. They do not always want to accept less in life than they feel they deserve when fire signs are involved.


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