Horoscopes for 2020

The stars change with the seasons and our lives change with them. Your horoscopes for Spring 2020 tells it is the Saturn-Pluto conjunction that will have the greatest effect this Spring.

Pisces – You have the respect of others, but feel threatened or anxious that one line of work could have a difficult end… There is uncertainty where the future is going. What to take or retain, what to leave behind…read more

Aries Someone you love is apt to hurt you. Hard words, hard feelings. You cannot do anything about this. You cannot change the person or the situation however unfair it feels, not just yet … read more

Taurus – Love could touch your life in a decidedly different way this spring. The old and the new compete for attention in your life. You are apt to meet someone you knew…read more

Read all your horoscopes here and do come back and let us know how it all came out.

Your horoscope by Ivarna for Spring time of 2020 is here

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