
Soulmate Charts from Ivarna. Your Soulmate Chart will be the most detailed description of your soulmate’s appearance; facial features, hair color, and a full portrayal of the character.  An astonishing personal glimpse of his, or her, background including the parents. Genuine, predictive astrology, I have no time for waffle and fluff. Further soulmate readings go on to describe the rest of the body, health, meeting, and more. The picture is  completed with the final soulmate readings, with in-depth details to help you recognize the person when you meet.soulmates

Soulmates charts? how it came about; a client asked me  to describe her future marriage partner. So, already specializing in relationship astrology, I began the task of creating a special reading for the client. That was over twenty five  years ago. It turned out very accurate. Consequently I developed this report further, with much research and continued improvements. Now because of the demand for this soulmate reading, Ivarna’s Soulmate Chart has become an increasingly “must have” astrology report all around the world.

This unique Soulmate Chart is an analysis of your own birth chart to reveal your future life partner, soul mate, marriage partner. Ivarna’s Soulmate Readings have been in regular demand among clients worldwide for over 20 years, and availble to order from the Order Now page.


Astrology has traditional roots going back to the Ancients. It is older than character reading or psychological astrology. But it’s old secrets are still at the forefront of modern astrology. Therefore a vast knowledge has been handed down over the centuries and influences our lives every day. Horoscopes continue to be a well read feature of the daily newspapers. As a full-time astrologer for many years Ivarna has embraced and built on that knowledge, and is recognized widely as specialist in the field of relationship astrology.

Soulmate Compatibility

I can extend the analysis of a single chart to a second chart,  known as Synastry, or Compatibility, the astrology of relationships. Two charts are compared, yours and your partner’s, to answer questions about the relationship, or to determine its future.

Unsure? please use the contact form to ask your question, I will be pleased to help and look forward to hearing from you.

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Soulmate Astrology
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