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Houses of the Sun

The Sun can be looked on as the lantern in the hand of fate, which partly illuminates the path we will walk in life. The Sun is only one part…

Astrology and Karma

Karmic astrology is the astrology of the soul. It reveals how the soul is developing, what you need learn, to take forward, so the soul can advance. And what hinders…

Astrology and Career – vol two

What are the most important elements to a successful future? We all like to believe we have a role to play, but may be are unsure of how to move…

Astrology and Career

What should I be doing with my life?” “What is my karmic destiny in my Career?”  These are the questions I am often asked. Traditional astrology can find the answers.…

Night Healing

Sleep, what is it for? Why do we need sleep? Why do we dream? I believe dreaming is our way of dealing with what’s going on while we are asleep.…

Free Ebook

This book is an introduction to the analysis of a natal chart in order to reveal its hidden secrets of your soulmate. What questions will it answer? How can I…

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Soulmate Astrology
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